I don't necessarily like to toot my own horn, but the cats insisted I share some of the wonderful things people have said....so here goes. =) If I've made you a cover and you're happy (and you know it, clap your hands!) feel free to add something
to my page here..the more the merrier!
I will also come back to you for future work, as I am writing more books. Again, it was a real pleasure doing business with you and I will heavily promote your work. You are also listed on my website contact page for people to reach
It's perfect! I love it. 🙂 And I mean really love it -- thanks for making all the changes along the way. It's awesome. I can't wait to show it off.
Carrie, I have tears in my eyes this is so wonderful. Thank you.
OMG - don't take this the wrong way, but you are TOO CHEAP! Not that I'm complaining, but your covers are so much better than 90% of what is out there and the 10% of your competition are more expensive. When you get those other covers
uploaded, I'll be lurking. Just waiting. Hanging around. Yep.
I love this cover! It's perfect!
That is such a kick ass cover. I want to write my little behind off to be worthy of it. Send me the bill.
Number 32 is PERFECT!!!!! I love it!!! Where do I sign? 😉 I like my name at the bottom where you put it. I love the way the suit came out. I love everything. You are a genius, which is even more amazing since you don't eat or sleep;)
Seriously, it's beautiful. You did a wonderful job.
Yes! I love it! I think it's perfect!
Thank you and I'd love to work with you again.
I love love love version 8 with the first letter cap/rest in lowercase.
Carrie is reliable and flexible, and her covers are always top notch.
She takes direction/feedback really well, and she designs perfect covers
that communicate genre and help book sales! Thanks so much!
Sara Crawford